Monday, November 7, 2011

A Good Day with Polymer Clay

Polymer clay is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I learned about this awesome piece of art just this year. I was googling for cupcakes when suddenly I had come across with little miniature cupcakes. I actually thought they were real just by looking at the image. I was so amazed that those cute little pieces were all made by hand. They looked so good that I've been inspired to try it myself. I've searched Google if I could find seminars that would help me learn that kind of craft anywhere near my place. The nearest location I could find was in Manila. And then I found out that a lot of people were already into this craft for so many years. There's this website which offers a polymer clay workshop inclusive of starter kit and a pasta machine. I hurriedly told my husband about it and asked if I could stay at his family's condo unit for just a short while and of course, he agreed. I also told my parents about my plan and bought myself a round-trip ticket for the weekend. Day#1 for the actual hands-on workshop and day#2 was dedicated for shopping--going to tiangge/s in order to find affordable supplies for this particular craft. The photos on top were some of the projects I've made during the workshop. There were only four of us during the class and we all seemed to have a lot of fun. If I remember correctly, the workshop was supposed to be a 6hour class but we've started at 11:30am and ended at 9:30pm. I enjoyed the free lunch & merienda and was so happy to be able to bring home my very own pasta machine. It had been a long day, but a productive one. :D

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